Wednesday, November 4, 2009

OK...So now what?

Since the marathon I have been experiencing a little bit of "post race depression" if you will...I have been really been struggling with the motivation to continue running. I really want to keep running but when I'm not looking forward to a race it's difficult to keep with it. With that being said I have been running a bit, usually about 15 miles a week. I did an 8-Miler this past Sunday and guess what, my OTHER knee started acting up. It is the exact same thing that happened to my left knee, the irritating thing is I did so many things to prevent this from happening and it did anyways. Oh well, at least it happened after the race. So hopefully with some ice and smart exercise the problem will go away. I am also trying to find other races to do to keep me motivated, unfortunately I do not want to have to spend a crapload of money...I guess we will have to see. I know it will be easier to find races in the spring, it's keeping it up through the winter that I am worried about...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Bank of America Chicago Marathon

As many of you know today I ran my first marathon. I loved it! I ran it in 4:57, kept a consistant pace and finished strong. BOTH of my half marathon splits were faster than my PR, that was definitely an awesome feeling.
Once me and my Dad met up with Steve and Kelly at the start we sat down and relaxed for a while before checking our bags. It was 32 degrees at the start. Frickin freezing but PERFECT running weather. The startline was a madhouse with over 45,000 people lined up.

About 5 minutes into the race I knew that I was going to beat my goal of 5 Hours. I've only had that feeling once before and that was during the Somerset Stampeed Half Marathon. Kelly ran with me, my Dad and Steve for a while, but then she broke off and finished in 4:30. After about 14 miles Steve decided to slow down a bit and my Dad and I kept hammering towards my 5 hour goal.

I felt great through about mile 17 where I started to slow down a bit, miles 17-21 were tough mentally because there weren't many spectators. At about 21.5 miles we ran through Chinatown which was exactly the pickmeup I needed. There were thousands of people through this stretch and we actually ran into one of my Dad's running buddies from Jackson, what are the odds of that?!
The last 5 miles seemed to fly by, at mile 23 there were about 10 people handing out beer which was fun and since I still had a decent amount of energy I was passing people left and right. At mile 25 my Dad looked at me and said "Just enjoy this last mile." And that's exactly what I did. Coming up on the finishing stretch we hit the one hill on the entire course, but I barely noticed it because I could see the finish line and there were so many people cheering.
As I crossed the finish line I instantly broke down with tears of joy, as did my Dad when he said "You did that EASILY! I'm proud of you."
The race was amazing and I loved every minute of it. If I can do it anyone can do it! Just remember: "Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small people who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it."

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Twas the Night Before Race Day...

Well here it is. The eve before the Chicago Marathon. I can't believe that I have been training for 8 months. It feels like only yesterday that I signed up for this event and could barely run one mile without walking. And now, here I am, ready to run 26.2 miles at age 19. I definitely take pride in the fact that I am going to be able to say that I ran a marathon before I turned 20.

To sum up how I feel right now here is a quote from the book 26 Miles to Boston:
"I feel like a 7-year-old boy on Christmas eve, while at the same time a death row inmate awaiting his execution at dawn."

Tomorrow will definitely be a day to remember and I have no doubt that when I cross that finish line, it will change my life forever.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Taper Madness

Since the 20-miler my tapering has definitely been messing with me. The first week my legs were feeling extremely sluggish and sore. This week my legs feel great, but with the extreme decrease in milage I'm finding I have a lot of excess energy and it is difficult to fall asleep at night. So basically I am suffering from all of the typical taper madness symptoms. I am about to head out now for a, I honestly cannot remmember the last time I went running and only went 2 miles. This is my last run before the Chicago Marathon in 3 days! I am definitely ready for it and I could not be more excited =D

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New Running Blog

Hey everyone, I have moved my running blog here from it's previous location. If you would like to see previous posts please go to
